How to Disable Emoticons in Microsoft Office Communicator


Communicator is the preferred way of dialog between developers in the organization I work in. The program, however, has some screwed up default settings: For instance, when you paste code into a conversation, there are often changes so that code is replaced with emoticons.

This is highly annoying, and i want to turn off emoticons/smileys completely.

Note there is a similar question: How does one paste code into an Office Communicator conversation. Where answers suggest not to use Communicator. But unlike that, I do not accept suggestions not to use Communicator.

So please, here, provide details on how I turn off my communicator to not show emoticons.

Best Answer

In Communicator's Tools->Options menu, on the "General" tab, there is a checkbox called "Show emoticons in instant messages".

enter image description here

Deselecting this will cause emoticons to not appear in your Communicator. Of course you will still need your colleagues to do the same, if they don't want code "corrupted" in their instances of Communicator.

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