Firefox – How to disable address bar expansion in Mozilla Firefox 77


With the latest update to Firefox, there is a feature that I would like to disable. When you open a window/tab or place the cursor in into the address bar, it becomes a bit bigger. How can I disable / reset this behavior?

address bar before update

Firefox before update

address bar after update

Firefox after update

Some time ago I asked the same question to Firefox 75 and got an answer with a working solution. But the solution for v75 doesn't work for the v77.

Best Answer

The edits to about:config that worked for earlier versions of Firefox don't work for version 77, but the same results can be achieved through implementation of a userChrome.css file.

A good tutorial on how to create the file can be found at, and the content that you need to place in the file has already been worked up and published at

I have performed this modification on Firefox 77 running under user-level rights on Windows 10 Enterprise, and it restored the normal url bar.