Windows 8 Display – How to Decrease Screen Brightness Below Minimum

brightnessdisplaywindows 8

The minimum brightness on my desktop monitor is far too bright. I need a way to reduce the brightness of my screen below the minimum. On my Mac, the app Brightness Slider worked perfectly for this purpose.

Based on the answer to this question, I tried using Dimmer, but it doesn't work properly in Windows 8. Sometimes it just dims the desktop, or the active window, and doesn't dim anything else. The result is a partially bright screen which looks totally weird.

If it matters, I really need this kind of app. If there is no such app available, is it possible that I could code it by myself, somehow? 😐

Best Answer

f.lux has a hidden feature which allows you to decrease your screen's brightness below the minimum set by Windows.

You can use alt+pgdn to decrease brightness and alt+pgup to increase brightness.

Note: This is not the same as adjusting screen temperature, which f.lux is also able to do.

Dimming screen with f.lux

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