How to decode AAC (.m4a) audio files into WAV


How would you convert (decode) AAC files into WAV format? (Or, if you prefer, how to decode & re-encode them into MP3 or Ogg Vorbis? But WAV is sufficient as I already have good tools for WAV ➔ MP3/Ogg conversion.)

I'm mostly interested in Mac or Linux solutions, but feel free to mention Windows ones too.

(Use case: I have some voice memos ("Apple lossless audio file"), recorded with iPhone, that I'd like to share in a format that's more common than AAC.)

Best Answer

The easiest way to do this is probably with iTunes. In your preferences, go to Import Settings and choose "Import Using" to WAV encoder. Then you can right-click on any AAC song and choose "Create WAV version." You should be able to select a bunch of files at once and do this to them in bulk.

Nota bene: Don't forget to switch your import settings back to AAC when you're done, presuming you still want to be using it.

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