Visio 2013 – How to Create a Database Model

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I am unable to find the "Database Model" in Visio 2013 and upon linking an existing database to Visio, there is no option to Reverse Engineer. Where do I find this functionality?

Best Answer

Reverse Engineering in Visio 2013 has been removed, according to the Visio blog:


The new software and database diagramming capabilities in Visio represent a departure from the capabilities of previous versions. We place a strong emphasis on diagramming and sharing instead of rigorous modeling. Specifically, there is no ability to generate a diagram from existing code or a database definition. Also - just like in recent releases - there is no ability to go from diagram to code or database. Existing UML and Database diagrams can be opened in the new Visio, but they are effectively frozen for editing since the previous feature set has been removed. The behavior of existing diagrams is equivalent to the experience you get today when opening them in Visio 2010 Standard.

There are alternatives:

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