Windows – How to create a new system folder to show up in “This PC” in Windows 8.1 without additional tools

windows 8.1windows-registry

How can I create a new system folder so it shows up in This PC in Windows 8.1?

I have been trying many different approaches to try to accomplish this and have had no success as of yet.

My goal is to create a new system folder so it shows up under This PC in the window next to the other six system folders that are already there, i.e Desktop, Documents, Downloads, Music, Pictures, Videos.

I do not want to download the tweaking programs that do it for you such as Winaero or anything similar.

I know there must be a way to accomplish this in registry editor.

I found these instructions on They were the most promising instructions I'd found so far, however once I followed the instructions nothing happened, there was no new 7th folder.. even after a reboot.

Add Custom Folder to My Computer or the Desktop (All Windows) Popular

  • Create your own custom system folder, like "My Documents", that can not be deleted or renamed and place it on the desktop and My Computer.

  • Create the following series of keys and values in the registry at [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID] or [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\CLSID]. The GUID, globally unique identifier, can be a random number, in this example "FD4DF9E0-E3DE-11CE-BFCF-ABCD1DE12345" is used. See this article for more GUID examples.

  • Create a new key called [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID{FD4DF9E0-E3DE-11CE->BFCF-ABCD1DE12345}] and set (Default) to equal the name of the folder e.g. "My Folder".

  • Create a new sub-key under the main key called "DefaultIcon" (i.e.[HKEY_CLASSES…ABCD1DE12345}\DefaultIcon]) and set (Default) to equal the filename for the icon you want to display e.g. "c:\windows\myicon.ico".

  • Create a new sub-key under the main key called "InProcServer32" (i.e.[HKEY_CLASSES…ABCD1DE12345}\InProcServer32]) and set (Default) to equal shell32.dll", also create a new String value called "ThreadingModel" and set it to "Apartment".

  • Create a set of sub-keys starting at the main key "Shell\Open My Menu\Command"(i.e.[HKEY_CLASSES…ABCD1DE12345}\Shell\Open My Folder\Command]) and set (Default) to equal the command to execute when clicked, in this case explorer, e.g. "explorer /root,c:\MyFolder".

  • Create a set of sub-keys starting at the main key "ShellEx\PropertySheetHandlers{FD4DF9E0-E3DE-11CE-BFCF-ABCD1DE12345}" (i.e. [HKEY_CLASSES…ABCD1DE12345}\ShellEx\PropertySheetHandlers{FD4DF9E0-E3DE-11CE-BFCF-ABCD1DE12345}])

  • Create a new sub-key under the main key called "ShellFolder" (i.e.[HKEY_CLASSES…ABCD1DE12345}\ShellFolder]) and create a new Binary value called "Attributes" and set it to "00 00 00 00".

  • (Optional) To place the folder on the desktop add the following key:

  • (Optional) To place the folder in My Computer add the following key:

  • Now the folder cannot be deleted from the desktop or My Computer, nor can it be renamed other than removing the CLSID and the entries under NAMESPACE.

Can someone please help me figure this out?

Best Answer

Walkthrough for adding a Custom Folder under "This PC".

What you need:

  • A folder you'd like to add (in this sample, I'll use "C:\Projects").
  • An icon for said folder if you want to use a custom icon (in this sample, I'll use "C:\Projects\projects.ico")
  • A GUID (in this sample, I'll use "EB39BB71-9B3B-4C47-BB02-F35CFAED1685". It'll work for your first custom folder you add, but if you'd like to add more custom folders you'll need to create new GUIDs)

What you need to do:

  • A whole bunch of registry hacks.

These steps should guide you through all the reg-edits.

  1. Navigate to [HKCR\CLSID]
  2. Create a new Key with the name "{EB39BB71-9B3B-4C47-BB02-F35CFAED1685}"
  3. Inside the Key [HKCR\CLSID{EB39BB71-9B3B-4C47-BB02-F35CFAED1685}] right click on "(Default)", select modify and specify the value "Projects".
  4. Inside the Key [HKCR\CLSID{EB39BB71-9B3B-4C47-BB02-F35CFAED1685}] right click and select "New > String Value". Call this new value "InfoTip" and give it the value "C:\Projects".
  5. Inside the Key [HKCR\CLSID{EB39BB71-9B3B-4C47-BB02-F35CFAED1685}] right click and select "New > DWORD (32 Bit) Value". Call this new value "System.IsPinnedToNameSpaceTree" and give it a value of "1".
  6. Inside the Key [HKCR\CLSID{EB39BB71-9B3B-4C47-BB02-F35CFAED1685}] right click and select "New > Key". Call this Key "DefaultIcon".
  7. Inside the Key [HKCR\CLSID{EB39BB71-9B3B-4C47-BB02-F35CFAED1685}\DefaultIcon] right click on "(Default)", select modify and specify the value "C:\Projects\projects.ico".
  8. Inside the Key [HKCR\CLSID{EB39BB71-9B3B-4C47-BB02-F35CFAED1685}] right click and select "New > Key". Call this Key "InProcServer32".
  9. Inside the Key [HKCR\CLSID{EB39BB71-9B3B-4C47-BB02-F35CFAED1685}\InProcServer32] right click on "(Default)", select modify and specify the value "%systemroot%\System32\shell32.dll".
  10. Inside the Key [HKCR\CLSID{EB39BB71-9B3B-4C47-BB02-F35CFAED1685}\InProcServer32] right click and select "New > String Value". Call this new value "ThreadingModel" and give it the value "Both".
  11. Inside the Key [HKCR\CLSID{EB39BB71-9B3B-4C47-BB02-F35CFAED1685}] right click and select "New > Key". Call this Key "Instance".
  12. Inside the Key [HKCR\CLSID{EB39BB71-9B3B-4C47-BB02-F35CFAED1685}\Instance] right click and select "New > String Value". Call this new value "CLSID" and give it the value "{0AFACED1-E828-11D1-9187-B532F1E9575D}". (This is the CLSID for "Folder Shortcut", if you try to add a different type of shortcut instead of a custom folder, you may need to lookup the right type of handler and find the CLSID for that).
  13. Inside the Key [HKCR\CLSID{EB39BB71-9B3B-4C47-BB02-F35CFAED1685}\Instance] right click and select "New > Key". Call this Key "InitPropertyBag".
  14. Inside the Key [HKCR\CLSID{EB39BB71-9B3B-4C47-BB02-F35CFAED1685}\Instance\InitPropertyBag] right click and select "New > DWORD (32 Bit) Value". Call this new value "Attributes" and give it the value "21".
  15. Inside the Key [HKCR\CLSID{EB39BB71-9B3B-4C47-BB02-F35CFAED1685}\Instance\InitPropertyBag] right click and select "New > Expandable String Value". Call this new value "Target" and give it the value "C:\Projects".
  16. Inside the Key [HKCR\CLSID{EB39BB71-9B3B-4C47-BB02-F35CFAED1685}] right click and select "New > Key". Call this Key "Shell".
  17. Inside the Key [HKCR\CLSID{EB39BB71-9B3B-4C47-BB02-F35CFAED1685}\Shell] right click and select "New > Key". Call this Key "Open Projects Folder"* (* You can put what you want in here, this is the menu option that appears when you right click on your custom added folder, just remember to modify step 18 as needed).
  18. Inside the Key [HKCR\CLSID{EB39BB71-9B3B-4C47-BB02-F35CFAED1685}\Shell\Open Projects Folder] right click and select "New > Key". Call this Key "Command".
  19. Inside the Key [HKCR\CLSID{EB39BB71-9B3B-4C47-BB02-F35CFAED1685}\Shell\Open Projects Folder\Command] right click on "(Default)", select modify and specify the value "explorer /root,C:\Projects".
  20. Inside the Key [HKCR\CLSID{EB39BB71-9B3B-4C47-BB02-F35CFAED1685}] right click and select "New > Key". Call this Key "ShellEx".
  21. Inside the Key [HKCR\CLSID{EB39BB71-9B3B-4C47-BB02-F35CFAED1685}\ShellEx] right click and select "New > Key". Call this Key "PropertySheetHandlers".
  22. Inside the Key [HKCR\CLSID{EB39BB71-9B3B-4C47-BB02-F35CFAED1685}\ShellEx\PropertySheetHandlers] right click and select "New > Key". Call this Key "{EB39BB71-9B3B-4C47-BB02-F35CFAED1685}".
  23. Inside the Key [HKCR\CLSID{EB39BB71-9B3B-4C47-BB02-F35CFAED1685}] right click and select "New > Key". Call this Key "ShellFolder".
  24. Inside the Key [HKCR\CLSID{EB39BB71-9B3B-4C47-BB02-F35CFAED1685}\ShellFolder] right click and select "New > DWORD (32 Bit) Value". Call this new value "Attributes" and give it the value "f080004d".
  25. Inside the Key [HKCR\CLSID{EB39BB71-9B3B-4C47-BB02-F35CFAED1685}\ShellFolder] right click and select "New > DWORD (32 Bit) Value". Call this new value "SortOrderIndex" and give it the value "0".

A screengrab of the HKCR\CLSID registry block so you can be sure you've added the keys correctly:

A screengrab of the HKCR\CLSID registry block so you can be sure you've added the keys correctly.

  1. Now navigate to [HKCR\Wow6432Node\CLSID].
  2. Create a new Key with the name "{EB39BB71-9B3B-4C47-BB02-F35CFAED1685}"
  3. Inside the Key [HKCR\Wow6432Node\CLSID{EB39BB71-9B3B-4C47-BB02-F35CFAED1685}] right click on "(Default)", select modify and specify the value "Projects".
  4. Inside the Key [HKCR\Wow6432Node\CLSID{EB39BB71-9B3B-4C47-BB02-F35CFAED1685}] right click and select "New > String Value". Call this new value "InfoTip" and give it the value "C:\Projects".
  5. Inside the Key [HKCR\Wow6432Node\CLSID{EB39BB71-9B3B-4C47-BB02-F35CFAED1685}] right click and select "New > Key". Call this Key "DefaultIcon".
  6. Inside the Key [HKCR\Wow6432Node\CLSID{EB39BB71-9B3B-4C47-BB02-F35CFAED1685}\DefaultIcon] right click on "(Default)", select modify and specify the value "C:\Projects\projects.ico".
  7. Inside the Key [HKCR\Wow6432Node\CLSID{EB39BB71-9B3B-4C47-BB02-F35CFAED1685}] right click and select "New > Key". Call this Key "InProcServer32".
  8. Inside the Key [HKCR\Wow6432Node\CLSID{EB39BB71-9B3B-4C47-BB02-F35CFAED1685}\InProcServer32] right click on "(Default)", select modify and specify the value "%systemroot%\System32\shell32.dll".
  9. Inside the Key [HKCR\Wow6432Node\CLSID{EB39BB71-9B3B-4C47-BB02-F35CFAED1685}\InProcServer32] right click and select "New > String Value". Call this new value "ThreadingModel" and give it the value "Both".
  10. Inside the Key [HKCR\Wow6432Node\CLSID{EB39BB71-9B3B-4C47-BB02-F35CFAED1685}] right click and select "New > Key". Call this Key "Instance".
  11. Inside the Key [HKCR\Wow6432Node\CLSID{EB39BB71-9B3B-4C47-BB02-F35CFAED1685}\Instance] right click and select "New > String Value". Call this new value "CLSID" and give it the value "{0AFACED1-E828-11D1-9187-B532F1E9575D}". (This is the CLSID for "Folder Shortcut", if you try to add a different type of shortcut instead of a custom folder, you may need to lookup the right type of handler and find the CLSID for that).
  12. Inside the Key [HKCR\Wow6432Node\CLSID{EB39BB71-9B3B-4C47-BB02-F35CFAED1685}\Instance] right click and select "New > Key". Call this Key "InitPropertyBag".
  13. Inside the Key [HKCR\Wow6432Node\CLSID{EB39BB71-9B3B-4C47-BB02-F35CFAED1685}\Instance\InitPropertyBag] right click and select "New > DWORD (32 Bit) Value". Call this new value "Attributes" and give it the value "21".
  14. Inside the Key [HKCR\Wow6432Node\CLSID{EB39BB71-9B3B-4C47-BB02-F35CFAED1685}\Instance\InitPropertyBag] right click and select "New > Expandable String Value". Call this new value "Target" and give it the value "C:\Projects".
  15. Inside the Key [HKCR\Wow6432Node\CLSID{EB39BB71-9B3B-4C47-BB02-F35CFAED1685}] right click and select "New > Key". Call this Key "ShellEx".
  16. Inside the Key [HKCR\Wow6432Node\CLSID{EB39BB71-9B3B-4C47-BB02-F35CFAED1685}\ShellEx] right click and select "New > Key". Call this Key "PropertySheetHandlers".
  17. Inside the Key [HKCR\Wow6432Node\CLSID{EB39BB71-9B3B-4C47-BB02-F35CFAED1685}\ShellEx\PropertySheetHandlers] right click and select "New > Key". Call this Key "{EB39BB71-9B3B-4C47-BB02-F35CFAED1685}".

A screengrab of the HKCR\Wow6432Node\CLSID registry block so you can be sure you've added the keys correctly:

A screengrab of the HKCR\Wow6432Node\CLSID registry block so you can be sure you've added the keys correctly.

  1. Now navigate to [HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\MyComputer\NameSpace].
  2. Create a new Key with the name "{EB39BB71-9B3B-4C47-BB02-F35CFAED1685}"
  3. Open up Task Manager (Shortcut key is CTRL + SHIFT + ESC).
  4. Click on the "Details" tab.
  5. Find "explorer.exe".
  6. Right click "explorer.exe" and select "End Task".
  7. Once "explorer.exe" has ended, click "File > Run New Task".
  8. Type in "explorer" and hit enter. Explorer should now relaunch and take the new registry keys into consideration.
  9. If all is working, you should now have a new "Projects" folder in your left hand menu.

Screengrabs of the various steps can be found here: