Ubuntu – How to copy something to Apache’s www-directory using a GUI


i am using ubuntu 9.10 and when i copy a folder from the desktop to the www directory from lamp it says permission denied. im not doing it through terminal but how can i make myself root level to copy and edit/delete the files that i need to.

Best Answer

Instead of always having to run "gksudo nautilus", lets try something easier

My www folder is not owned by root but by me, I want to be admin of the www folder, and I suppose you want the same.

So we're going to make you owner

sudo chown <your_username> <path of your www folder> -R

In my case it was

sudo chown jeffrey /var/www/ -R

This will make you the owner of the folder, -R means recursive, thus it will make you owner of all subfolders as well.

To make sure you got enough read and write rights

sudo chmod 755 <path of your www folder> -R

This will grant you read, write and execute rights, and it will grant other users the right to read and execute it, 744 won't work, because you'll get a "permission denied" error.

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