Chrome – how to copy properties from one google chrome user to another on OSX


I'm a big user of chrome (switch person) feature:

enter image description here

i'm also a heavy user of chrome's custom search engines

enter image description here

so it's very common for me to have like 100 different search engines for a specific chrome user.. but then i gotta create a new one.. is there a way to migrate these search engines (and other chrome user's settings for that matter) from one user to another?

Best Answer


in addition to the instructions below.. you must also disable settings sync first.. see this answer for more details.

turns out it's easy.. user specific data is stored here

~/Library/Application Support/Google/Chrome/Profile %/

where the profile number corresponds to each profile you have in chrome (you can double check by finding the file Google Profile Picture the corresponds to the profile u're looking for..

so suppose you have two profiles Profile 1 (master) profiel 2 (slave)

you simply want to copy the file

~/Library/Application Support/Google/Chrome/Profile (master)/Web Data


~/Library/Application Support/Google/Chrome/Profile (slave)/Web Data

and replace it.

the only side effect is that you'll be logged out of your chrome users.. just log back in and you're golden!

enter image description here

enter image description here

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