Excel – How to copy a column from one sheet to another sheet based on title in Excel

microsoft excelmicrosoft-excel-2010worksheet-function

I have a datasheet that has many columns that may change positions. To make it easier to use I want to create a second sheet that keeps the columns in a specified order. I can count on the column titles remaining the same, so I want to copy columns based on their title, or rather the first cell in the column matches a string.

As an example three of the columns in sheet 1 are

id     name     due date

But in another instance of sheet 1 they may appear as

id     due date     name

I want my second sheet to specify that the first row is 'id', second is 'name', etc. I attempted to use hlookup, but only found it useful for filling a single cell, dragging the formula didn't carry too well for me. Any ideas on ways to perform this using functions in excel? I'd rather not use a macro unless absolutely necessary.

Best Answer


As you fill the formula down, the ROW() acts as an offset to look at the next column on your table.

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