Windows – How to convert WAV to MP3 without adding silence at the beginning

audio conversioncommand linemp3software-recwindows

Here's what I need to do: Convert a 30.0 sec WAV to a 30.0 MP3.

I've tried doing this using LAME however no matter what I try LAME always adds a short moment of silence to the output mp3. Using LAME my 30.0 sec WAV becomes a 30.1 sec MP3. That's lame.

Does anyone know of a way to convert WAV to MP3 using the Windows command line?

For example by running "program.exe in.wav out.mp3" from CMD?

It is critical that NO silence is added to the resulting MP3 file. I can't stress that enough.

Best Answer

An MP3 stream contains info for generating a set of samples where each sample corresponds to a sample in the original LPCM data (like from the WAV file), but a side-effect of encoding is that there is some extra "junk" added to each end, and a side-effect of decoding is that there is even more junk added to the beginning. The decoder will know how much it adds and will skip those samples, but the encoder-added junk isn't entirely predictable (different encoders add different amounts), so the decoder can't skip those samples unless it is somehow informed of what to skip. Some encoders, like LAME, will add such "gapless playback" or "delay and padding" info (in an encoder-specific format, because there's no standard for it) into the file's VBR Info (VBRI) or Xing header, which is sort-of standard even on CBR files, and which contains other info that is sometimes helpful to the player. This header is actually a frame of silence (usually 1152 samples) with some specially formatted info embedded in between the frame's header and the start of its null audio data. Most decoders/players recognize the frame as special and skip those samples, but some don't, so there's another potential point of failure. so I would look toward making sure you use a compatible encoder/decoder combo to get correct-length, junk-trimmed files as output.

Your second question...did you notice the LAME command-line app's "--decode" option? :) This should solve your problem if you're using LAME as the encoder. The output length should match the input.

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