How to convert eps file to a large jpeg image


I am using Linux. I want to convert an eps file to jpeg file. I find that I can use "convert" command. However, the resulting image looks very small. I want to enlarge the jpeg file by -resize option. It seems not to work. The resulting image is a pure black one. Does anyone have the same problem?

Here are more details:

  1. If I use:

    convert -scale 1000x1000 your.eps your.jpg

    The resulting image looks like a low quality image. The eps vector image is not scaled properly.

  2. If I use:

    convert -geometry 300% your.eps your.jpg

    I get a pure black image.

Here is my phf file:

and my eps file:

Best Answer

Updated: This should work (-flatten did the trick for me)

convert -geometry 110% your.eps -flatten your.jpg
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