Excel 2007 – Convert dd.mm.yyyy Date Format to yyyy-mm-dd


My customer entered date in dd.mm.yyyy format. As I want insert all the data in mysql database, I want the date in yyyy-mm-dd format.

I tried to format using Excel custom date format and built-in function like =text(A1,"yyyy-mm-dd") but it did not work, I still got the same format (it still shows dd.mm.yyyy).

For example, I typed 30.10.2010 in any cell, and tried changing the format to yyyy-mm-dd to be 2010-10-30, but it did not work.

I also looked for questions in Super User stack and Google but I could not find solution.

enter image description here

Best Answer

I tried it with 30/01/2010


and then I put in

=TEXT(B1, "yyyy-mm-dd").

The result was expected.

I suspect the issue is the cell you are doing this too is not in date format.

For example, if I change my value to 30.01.2010 then the value is then duplicated (in the same manner you describe)

Or, you could keep it as

=TEXT(A1, "yyyy-mm-dd")

And update all the . to / with a quick macro

Option Explicit
Sub ReplaceDate()

Dim row As Integer
row = 1

Do While (Range("A" & row).Value <> "")

    Dim val As String
    val = Range("A" & row).Value

    Dim i As Integer

    Dim result As String
    result = ""

    Dim spl() As String
    spl = Split(val, ".")

    If (UBound(spl) > 0) Then

    For i = 0 To Len(val)

    Dim r As String
        result = result & Replace(Mid(val, i + 1, 1), ".", "/")
    Next i

    End If

    If result <> "" Then

        Range("A" & row).NumberFormat = "@"
        Range("A" & row).Value = result

    End If

row = row + 1

End Sub

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