How to convert a 24 bit JPEG image into 8 bit image

image editingjpeg

I have a 24-bit image. I need to convert it into an 8 bit JPEG image. Can it be done by MS Paint or MS picture manager or I need to download any tool. I tried some tool but that did not work.

Will an 8 bit image become black and white or it remains coloured?

Best Answer

8bit means 2^8 colors = 256 colors, just select Save As on MSPaint and then 256 Colors Bitmap. As far as converting it to JPEG... After saving it as 256 colors .bmp, open it and then save as JPEG, but I don't know what the results will be. I believe Adobe's Photoshop and GIMP (free) have the option of saving 8 bit jpegs.

It won't be black and white unless you make it black and white.