How to convert a 16:9 movie to a 4:3 letterbox version

aspect ratiovideo editing

Suppose you have a 16:9 aspect ratio wide-format movie file and you want to make a version ideal for playing on a 4:3 device. Since you don't want to clip any of the image or distort the picture, so you want to make a letterbox version.

That is, you want a 4:3 movie with black bars at the top and bottom surrounding the moving image rectangle, which has true 16:9 dimensions.

Can you tell us how to do this in Windows or Linux, using free command-line or GUI tools.

Best Answer

Newer versions of ffmpeg deprecate the "padtop" and "padbottom" options. To do it with the new version, use the same basic logic above. In my case, my original video was 720x404, but I wanted to encode 720x480 - padding the top and bottom. So per-above:

(480-404) / 2 = 38

i.e. Pad 38 pixels to both the top and bottom. The "pad" command wants the size of the video you are encoding, and how far left and down you want to move the original. So:

-vf pad=720:480:0:38

note that the output resolution needs to be written as 720:480 not 720x480

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