Firefox – How to configure firefox to open links in the same window, but requests from external applications in a new window


I hate it, when sites decide for me, which links should open in a new window, and which in the same. The back-button doesn't work. Good thing is, firefox has the option If I set this to 1, all links with target=blank open in the same window, as it should be. But now also clicks in external programs (like the email-client or newsreader) on links open this in the same window, destroying the already opened website. How can I configure firefox to open links in a website always in the same window, but in external programs opened URLs always in a new one?

Best Answer

GoTo about:config and change = 2 or 3

to 1 instead of 2 or 3.
It worked for me on Firefox 64 (Linux Mint 19.1).

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