How to completely uninstall Jenkins from OS X


I tried to install Jenkins on my OS X, that was successfully but usage is not quite successful. So planning on complete/clean uninstall and redo it back.

Any help on what all the traces of Jenkins need to be cleaned up to avoid issues fresh installation.

Best Answer

These instructions apply if you installed using the official Jenkins Mac installer from

Execute uninstall script from terminal (admin password required):

'/Library/Application Support/Jenkins/Uninstall.command'

or use Finder to navigate into that folder and double-click on Uninstall.command.

Finally delete last configuration bits which might have been forgotten:

sudo rm -rf /var/root/.jenkins ~/.jenkins

If the uninstallation script cannot be found (older Jenkins version), use following commands:

sudo launchctl unload /Library/LaunchDaemons/org.jenkins-ci.plist
sudo rm /Library/LaunchDaemons/org.jenkins-ci.plist
sudo rm -rf /Applications/Jenkins "/Library/Application Support/Jenkins" /Library/Documentation/Jenkins

and if you want to get rid of all the jobs and builds:

sudo rm -rf /Users/Shared/Jenkins

and to delete the jenkins user and group (if you chose to use them):

sudo dscl . -delete /Users/jenkins
sudo dscl . -delete /Groups/jenkins

These commands are also invoked by the uninstall script in newer Jenkins versions, and should be executed too:

sudo rm -f /etc/newsyslog.d/jenkins.conf
pkgutil --pkgs | grep 'org\.jenkins-ci\.' | xargs -n 1 sudo pkgutil --forget

Source How to uninstall Jenkins?, answer by sti

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