Windows – How to completely remove all driver data from a bad driver in Windows 7

driversinput-devicewindows 7

I have a problem driver on my system. It is proprietary, so I can't give specifics. But I need to completely nuke any driver info and changes to the system so that it goes back to the point where plugging in the device to usb registers it as a plain USB Input Device, so that I can get back to a point of installing a fresh and proper driver.

I seem to have some kind of old driver data in my system which is screwing up the hardware to the point where I can no longer change or uninstall the driver using Device Manager, as attempting to do either of these things results in everything timing out with an error.

Is there registry stuff I need to delete?
Files I need to delete?
Special references that need to be cleaned?

Best Answer

For a pure "driver", uninstalling the driver through Device Manager is the procedure.

That being said, if the Setup program installed any other component, eg Shell extensions, startup services, then this will be an Easter Egg hunt.

I assume you've also used CCleaner, since normal practice is for uninstalls to leave application specific user preferences behind in case the user is reinstalling the program. Then again, normal practice is for the Uninstaller to also specify a check box "Keep user settings" that you can clear for a complete uninstall. Sigh. . .

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