Firefox – How to Completely Disable Push Notifications


I am using Firefox (version 58.0.1) and for awhile now, Firefox and other browsers have implemented this feature known as 'Push Notifications.'

It now seems like every site wants to 'Push' notifications to you. This has become a new form of pop-up, and is an intrusive technology. Because of this constant bombardment of push notification requests, I wish to completely disable push notifications.

I do not wish to disable on a site-by-site basis. I want to disable this 'feature' completely, for every site, forever.

sample push notification request

I have looked through the Firefox settings, and through the documentation on the Mozilla website, but there is nothing official on how to disable the Push Notifications. 2

Best Answer

From further research, I discovered that you have to go into the about:config interface. HERE BE DRAGONS! (1) Or if you use the American locale, Your warranty might be voided (2)

I changed four settings to FALSE:

  • dom.webnotifications.enabled
  • dom.webnotifications.serviceworker.enabled
  • dom.pushconnection.enabled
  • dom.push.enabled

(1) Here be dragons:

Here be dragons

(2) This might void your warranty: This might void your warranty!

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