How to combine two separate powershell commands


I have several hundred folders that all contain a sub-folder named "Bid Documents".

I need to change the ACL permissions on every instance of those "Bid Documents" folders.

Is there a way to automate this process? I've been told that vbscript is not a good choice for dealing with ACL permissions. I'm imagining a powershell script or something similar that will automatically search the entire folder hierarchy and add the specified ACL permission to every folder named "proposal", but I don't know if this is actually possible, or if there is some other way to accomplish this task.

Thoughts anyone?

The comment box keeps messing up my actual powershell command whcih should be as follows:

Get-ChildItem "e:\datastore\marcstone bids\*\*\*\Bid Documents" | where {$_.Attributes -eq 'Directory'}

The problem is that sometimes the Proposals folder is not always three layers under Marcstone bids, but sometimes only two layers, so when I try the following:

Get-ChildItem "e:\datastore\marcstone bids\*\*\Bid Documents" | where {$_.Attributes -eq 'Directory'}

Notice how the second version has only two * This version fails to find any folders though there are many. Why?

Edit again:
This keeps getting more interesting.
Upon examining the results returned by the successful command I discovered it only returns "Bid Documents" folders that are empty. Any "Bid Documents" folders containing any files at all are not returned. Why??

Edit again:
I changed the command to the following and it returned ALL the "bid documents" folders.

Get-ChildItem "e:\datastore\marcstone bids\*\*\*\Bid Documents" | where {$_.Attributes -match 'Directory'}

Now to learn how to use icacls to change the permissions.

Edit again:
OK, I think I have the correct syntax for icacls with this:

icacls *filename* /deny special-restrict1:(f)

So, PLEASE someone help me connect these two commands together.

Experimenting with a variable like this:

$var = Get-ChildItem "e:\datastore\marcstone bids\1001-3500\1701-1750\1702 Morrow M
emorial Home - Sparta WI\Bid Documents" | where {$_.Attributes -match 'Directory'} | icacls $var /deny special-restrict1

I've selected a specific folder for experimentation purposes. The command returns the following error:

First parameter must be a file name pattern or "/?"

Thoughts anyone?

Best Answer

icacls is the answer here:

It will allow you to change the acls of a number of folders

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