How to clean CD / DVD that have mold on them


I notice some of my favourite CD and DVD have some mold on them. How do I go about to clean them so that I can still play them?

Best Answer

DVD and CD are made of Polycarbonate, usually indicated as #7 on resin code (recycling symbol).

According to this answer:

... polycarbonate, which is not very soluble in ethanol or isopropanol, but prolonged exposure may cause crazing or stiffening.

That answer also mentioned that

Most plastics and rubbers are resistant to aqueous solutions and ionic compounds (including most surfactants and soaps)

Soap is not ideal as it is a fat based product, and can leave residue.

Detergent (a type of surfactants) is probably better, but as its chemical compond can vary a lot, it is difficult to say here.

It is safer to use distilled water first, and dry it with microfiber cloth.

There are also cleaning kits available, which I assume includes some kind of safe surfactant spray.

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