File Permissions – How to chmod +x a File in Windows for Use in Linux


I have a file that needs to be executable in Linux, which I'd do by using chmod +x when using Linux.

My problem is: this file is compiled in Windows, and it's a pain to have to open my Ubuntu VM to just chmod it.

Is there a tool, or a method in Windows to allow me to add the +x permission to the file, so it is executable upon receipt to a Linux machine?

I've tried searching SU and Google, but I'm only seeing irrelevant results about how chmod doesn't exist on Windows, and to use file permissions instead – but this isn't what I'm looking for.

Best Answer

The key phrase in your question is "executable upon receipt", and the answer depends on how it's being received. If you send a tarball, you can have some executable files in it. A single file could be mailed in uuencode format with begin 755 filename in the header. If you provide more details on what tools you have available on the sending side, we might be able to find a way to make it work.

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