How to change Visual Studio 2013 license information from MSDN to Visual Studio Professional Online


My MSDN license elapsed earlier this year and I have now set up a Visual Studio Professional Online subscription.

If I install Visual Studio 2013 on a fresh computer, I get to log on to Visual Studio Online and it downloads a license that is valid for 32 days, presumably it will refresh every 30 days with a couple of extra days slack.

However, my main computer still has the MSDN license key set up, and I'm worried that it will stop working in the middle of important work and require a full reinstall.

If that's what I have to do, I would like to know this now, when I can do it during downtime, so my question is this:

Is it possible for me to "unregister" my locally installed Visual Studio 2013, so that it forgets completely that it has a license key, and allows me to download the license from Visual Studio Online?

I've tried the suggestions outlined here on Stack Overflow which involves deleting a registry key and repairing Visual Studio. After this, Visual Studio repairs it right back to having a license key applied.

Best Answer

you can remove the license key from the registry after uninstalling VS from the machine, go to the below key in registry and rename/remove it. [HKCR\Licenses\77550D6B-6352-4E77-9DA3-537419DF564B\04940]

You can also look for the license info in:

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