How to change bullets color in OpenOffice Impress


I had some presentation with black text with black bullets. Then I put text on dark background and made it white. Bullets remain black.

How to make them white too?

Best Answer

Edit: For newer versions of OpenOffice and LibreOffice it's sufficient to just select a new font color for the text. The bullet-point will change with the text now.

Yeah, that's not really intuitive like it should be.

First of all i should say i do this with LibreOffice (and not OpenOffice) so i don't know if the following also goes for OpenOffice.

In "Writer" the bullets take the color of the text. In "Impress" they do not.

You need to set the color of the bullets manually. You can do this by selecting all the text (and thus the bullets). Click Format, Bullets and Numbering and the Tab Customize. There you can change the color of the bullets. (Don't leave it on Automatic) (See below if this options is not there)

enter image description here

Since this option is only available in LibreOffice (and not OpenOffice) there is another method:

You need to create a new character style (open the Stylist - F11 - right click the Default entry then New) give it a name and in the Font Effects tab, select the color you want. Now you can select your bullet-line and choose the correct Character style (select your new style).

enter image description here

Edit: Please note that in the newer versions of OpenOffice and LibreOffice it's sufficient to just select a new font color for the text. The bullet-point will change with the text now.

enter image description here

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