How to capture fonts from the websites


Sometimes some websites have very cool fonts and they might even be freely available over the internet.

Is there a simple way (an app maybe) which can be used to find out which font the website is using??

Best Answer

Text fonts

You can view the source of the page and then look for the stylesheet. This would be in the files ending in .css

So for something like Super User, you would look at the source code and spot this (don't worry about the bit after the question mark (?)):

<link rel="stylesheet" href="">

Then drill about inside looking for anything like this:

font-family:Consolas,Monaco,Lucida Console,Liberation Mono,
               DejaVu Sans Mono,Bitstream Vera Sans 

This will show you what the site is defaulting to use for text. If you have a matching font from that list on your computer, it will display. Otherwise, it would just continue until it hit something.

Fonts in images

For text used in any graphics, you could go to something like What The Font! and use the guessing machine to pinpoint what font the site might have used.

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