Windows – How to cancel Windows 8 drive repair

boothard driverepairwindowswindows 8

Windows detected an error on one of my nonessential drives in my desktop PC. It said it needed to reboot to fix the errors, so I rebooted and it started scanning the drive. However it is taking a very long time, and I need to get back to work. The drive in question is not the system drive, so I want to just cancel it, finish working, and then let it run overnight.

I don't see an option to cancel the drive repair, so I can't log in to Windows. Is there any way to cancel it without booting into safe mode?


To be clear, my ultimate goal is to log into Windows without doing a disk check. The Windows 8 disk check doesn't seem to have a cancel option like past versions did, so rebooting or pulling the plug won't work, because it'll just reboot back into the disk check.

Best Answer

Find command prompt and launch as administrator. run the command chkntfs /x c: (Replace c: with the appropriate drive letter) This will disable chkdsk from automatically running when the dirty flag is set (usually due to improper shutdowns). Be warned this makes it less obvious when your disk is failing or needs attention. To undo this run chkntfs /d

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