Google-chrome – How to bring back the old menu style on Chrome 28 onwards, now that the –disable-new-menu-style switch has been removed


It used to be that the new, super wide, touch friendly context menu style that Google introduced a few versions of Chrome ago could be turned off using the start up flag "–disable-new-menu-style".

As of Chrome 28, this is no longer the case, and as a desktop user it is very irritating to see menus that previously fit in the screen not to do so anymore — I don't think I can get used to it. Is there any way around it? If the flag is gone for good, can the style of the context menus be perhaps edited with custom css like the web inspector?

Best Answer

As of Chrome 28.0.1500.72 (Official Build 211400) the following switch activates a new style with much less vertical padding:


No idea whether that switch is there to stay but it does indicate Google is working on this.

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