How to batch convert flac files to wav


I'm using Windows XP, and I have several (about 160) flac files which I need to convert to wav. Since it is not practical to convert so many one by one, I need a utility that can convert them, but also preserve the metadata. It is crucial that the metadata is present and not altered, and I would highly prefer anything portable (sans-installation), and command line utilities would help too.

Thank you for helping

I don't need the metadata, can this conversion be done now, somehow?

Best Answer

The default flac distribution include a binary called flac(.exe). You can decompress flac files with it using the -d option.

Just use the cmd shell from the folder with .flac files:

FOR %f IN (*.flac) DO "C:\Program Files (x86)\FLAC\flac.exe" -d "%f"
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