How to add User Defined Language XML File to Notepad++


I have a custom XML style file for SAS, from a list of User Defined Language Files in Notepad++ available here :

The file style:

How can I tell Notepad++ to create a new custom language and use this file for the styling?

When I click on New User Defined Language (trying to call it SAS) I get this:

enter image description here

How can I tell it to use the style in the XML file for this new custom language?

I consulted the following questions, but they all concern changing the default behaviour, or manually defining a new language, not adding in a premade XMl file.

How to set the default language in Notepad++

How to set the default language in Notepad++

Adding a new language to Notepad++

How to get user defined language in Notepad++ to follow master formatting?

Best Answer

The XML file you show already contains complete definition of the UDL.

  1. Copy everything beetween tags <UserLang and </UserLang> also including them.

  2. Locate the file userdefinelang.xml. It is in the same directory as file contextMenu.xml which you can open using menu Settings > Edit Popup ContextMenu.

    • If the file was missing, just copy your file into that file and skip steps 3 and 4.
  3. Paste your selection just before </NotepadPlus> tag.

  4. Save and restart Notepad++.

  5. The language should appear near bottom of the Language menu.