How to add fancy borders to the entire page in LibreOffice Writer


This seems to be a limitation to Writer, but I thought I'd ask anyway here, on the off chance someone has figured this out, and I'm missing something basic.

I'd like to add borders, such as stars or diamonds, to a Writer document but I only see very basic choices in the Format -> Page -> Border tab/pulldown. This would be the most logical place to do this operation but this dialog doesn't show any method for doing so.

    ss of writer dialog

I've also looked on LibreOffice's forums and issue tracker and there are a number of tickets asking for this feature but nothing jumped out at me as either a solution or a workaround.

Additionally I've looked for LibreOffice Extensions that might suit my needs here but again nothing.

The only method I've found is to take a background image that contains the borders and to use that as a background for the entire page. This seems like a hack to me.

Has anyone figured out a method to do this beyond the use of a background image?

Best Answer

I'm afraid that the answer to your question is the one you've come up with yourself.

That is to use an appropriate graphic in the background and anchored to the page.

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