Windows 7 – How to Deal with Anti-Virus Software

anti-viruswindows 7

I know this question is looking like an easy question or not a question at all but it's not really easy question. I'm not related to security and anti-viruses and just don't trust every provided anti-virus.

So first question is a real question – Is it OK (safe) to not use anti-virus at all. I know how to use firewall, usually I use only trusted connections and surfing trusted sites. My chances to get virus is really low. Even I've got a bit outdated PC and don't want to pay the performance for it. I can do monthly scans without having one installed – is it OK to be safe ?

If not can you recommend a good free antivirus solution?

Best Answer

Is it safe? Well, that depends on how you use your computer (I'd guess you browse, download applications, in which case, no, it's not really safe). For what it's worth, nowadays most AV's are less system hungry, are free and you will barely notice them running. For the small download and small maintence it just makes sense too.

This guide shows how to install security essentials and other information regarding viruses. Security Essentials is a solid AV.