Excel Data Refresh – How to Update Excel File Without Opening It

automationmicrosoft excelmicrosoft-excel-2010script

I have an Excel file that want to update and save automatically with out having to open it or manually interact with. Manually, I open the file up and hit data refresh which goes and does a SQL query and then hit F9 for the formulas to update and then I just close/save.

(I then would mail the file out to people using a perl script or use SAS JMP to run some numbers/charts and also mail them out. Basically I need to script some things which require the XLS file to be updated.)

Best Answer

My workaround is to record a Macro in the Excel file (so you have to use .xlsm file extension) (first you will need to go to Programs >> Windows Powershell and type at prompt Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned to allow the script to run) :

Sub AutoUpdate()
' AutoUpdate Macro
' data refresh from MSQuery connection

    Selection.ListObject.QueryTable.Refresh BackgroundQuery:=False
End Sub

Then I use a Powershell script that does the trick by : opening the Excel file, calling the macro, save and close the file. In this example I make a copy of the original file for security/backup purpose, but of course you could save the original file itself.

$objectExcel = new-object -c excel.application
$objectExcel.displayAlerts = $false # don't prompt the user
#$objectExcel.visible = $True;
$Classeur = $objectExcel.workbooks.open("source_filepath", $null, $true)
# $objectExcel.run("RemoveODBC") # another custom macro for removing data connexion
#$objectExcel.visible = $False;
spps -n excel

So my Excel report is refreshed on a daily basis, without any manual intervention, by a Windows Planified task that called the above script.

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