Windows – How Do You Recover An Encrypted Partition

data-recoveryencryptionhard drivetruecryptwindows 7

I was reformatting one of my extra hard drives with Windows DiskPart and accidentally selected the wrong hard drive.

I used the clean command, but it wasn't long before I realized I cleaned the wrong one. I only cleaned the drive, I did not format it or tool with it in anyway.

The drive I wiped had two partitions on it, one was unencrypted and the other was encrypted with TrueCrypt. Is it possible to recover my encrypted partition? I do not have a backup of the header, but I've heard it's possible.

If anyone can shed some light on the situation, or point me in the right direction, it'd be greatly appreciated. Thank you!

Best Answer

It happened to once.

I've managed to recover the HD completely using Acronis Disk Director utility that I found on HBCD 10.6).

It's also possible using TestDisk, but I haven't tried it.