Windows – How to enable focus follows mouse in Windows 10

mousewindow focuswindows 10xmouse

I'd like raise-on-click and sloppy focus-follows-mouse on Windows 10 because this is the setup I've been using on Windows and Linux for years.

Under Windows 10, I tried the regedit Xmouse changes mentioned in this link that were originally meant for Windows 8:

However, I experienced the following issues:

  1. When you open the Start Menu by pressing the Windows key, it doesn't receive keyboard input.

  2. When you open Start, Search or Notifications by clicking on them, they close before you can interact with them.

Is there anyway to get usable focus follows mouse?

Is anyone successfully using Win10 like this?

Best Answer

Use X-Mouse Controls, it's the closest I've found to true Focus Follows Mouse, and it has some options to tweak. It's a small open-source utility that doesn't require installing or rebooting, and saves you from changing the registry yourself.

As far as I've experimented, I can use the keyboard to search for files/programs after pressing the Win key. Also, Start and Notifications menu don't go away before I can use them, even with the raise-on-hover option, as you can set a small delay for the behavior (one or two hundred ms will suffice), which gives you more than enough room to move the pointer to the new window.

I've used it for a while and I'm quite happy with it, plus the bug.n tiling window manager. This setup is as close as I've been to using dwm on unix.

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