How do i make Mozilla Thunderbird opening attachments in appropriate application


I'm using Kubuntu 9.10 and Mozilla Thunderbird as email program. If email has an attachment, MT rarely finds required application to open it in. If I save an attachment and then open it from Dolphin, it works fine. But if i try opening it right from download dialog, MT can't determine appropriate application correctly.

I'd prefer it to use xdg-open or kde-open programs for finding required application.
Is there a way to make Thunderbird a bit smarter?

Best Answer

You could find some use in these extensions:

I use them on Windows, mind you, but they're supposed to be cross-platform. The first one is just an improved way of handling attachments by MIME type ("improved" over TB's default UI), while the second one allows you to ignore the MIME type altogether and set the opening application just based on the file extension - it's useful for those e-mails where the attachment has the wrong MIME type (sender's fault).

Note that the first extension isn't available on AMO anymore; the link points to a user-modified version, as suggested here.

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