How Do I Erase Locked Hidden Files On SanDisk 8G Flash Drive


I've got a hidden folder in .Trash on my flash drive called 501. Inside it, there are all kinds of programs. After re-reformatting the drive I had 2GB missing of the 8Gb. That's how I came across this. I checked the file permissions, tried sudo, I can't remove it. I was able to navigate inside the folder and empty the trash. It then dropped down to 2.7Mb of space, but when I add to the drive, then delete, the files are still stored in this 501 folder. Even after re-re-reformatting.

Is it possible to delete this folder? Or is this 2.7Mb really necessary to make the drive work? Why would I have to manually go into the folder and empty the trash after I already delete the files? It's bothering me because it seems to behave like a sophisticated virus.

Best Answer

If it is a Mac, I finally was able to by, while on Finder, click on the Finder menu next to the Apple menu and select Empty Trash. Only the trash on that removable disk will be erased!