How do dual monitors work while gaming

displayexternal displaygamingmultiple-monitors

I'm thinking of getting a 2nd monitor and utilizing the extended desktop function. What I'd like to know:

  • How would this work if I wanted to play a game? Would I be able to have the game appear only on one monitor? Also, does this incur any performance penalties?
  • I've been reading that when playing games, the second monitor freezes, and it's essentially useless. So would I not be able to play a game on one monitor and browse the web on the second?
  • Would I also have to Alt+Tab/minimize the game I am playing on the main monitor in order to get the mouse to the second monitor?

Best Answer

I'm thinking of getting a 2nd monitor and utilizing the extended desktop function. Could you please let me know how this would work if I wanted to play a game?

  • Some games, not all support multiple display outputs to create a sort of "panoramic" viewing experience. You'd one to consult the game's FAQ to check for yourself.

Would I be able to have the game appear only on one monitor?

  • Most games only appear on one screen unless configured otherwise.

Would I be able to have the game appear only on one monitor? Also does this incur any performance penalties? I've been reading that when playing games the second monitor freezes and it's essentially useless.

  • Using two screens for a game will definitely hinder computer performance if it isn't high enough spec to support it, the key components being your graphics card and CPU.

So would I not be able to play a game on one monitor and browse the web on the second?

  • When I run a game full screen on my first monitor I still able to watch a movie or something on my second monitor. Unless your game is running in windowed mode you will need to tab out to use your mouse on the other screen.

If my game is in windowed mode, will the mouse stay within the edges of the screen? Like if I was playing SC2/Civ 5/etc, would the mouse be able to move the screen when I drag it to the sides or will it jump to the second monitor?

  • It would stay "locked" in to your game unless you alt+tab out of it. It will not be possible to move your mouse out of the game window whilst you are playing.