Sync Skydrive Desktop to MicroSD in Windows 8 Tablet

micro-sd-cardonedriveremovable-mediawindows 8

I have a Samsung Slate 7 tablet with (now) Windows 8 on it. This machine has a 64 Gb SSD and I have a 64 Gb MicroSD card in it. I also have a Skydrive on my main Microsoft ID that contains about 45 Gb of content. With Windows and some development stuff installed, my Skydrive will not fit on the main drive of the tablet. (Besides, my idea was to keep data on the memory card anyway, to make it easier to repave the machine without data loss if need be.)

My problem should now be clear: I want to install the Skydrive desktop app to sync my Skydrive to the MicroSD card. This is not possible, as Skydrive does not allow syncing files to removable drives.

I have tried a number of things already, but none of them worked:

  1. Use the mklink command line tool to create a directory link/junction from a folder name on SSD to a folder on the MicroSD and then try to install Skydrive sync to the SSD link folder. Skydrive however still recognizes this as something it does not want to sync onto.

  2. The various different filter drivers mentioned on Agnipulse (including the Hitachi one) that should make windows see some or all of the removable drives in the system as fixed drives do not seem work on (64-bit) Windows 8: they either can't be installed, do nothing and/or cause Windows 8 to go into Automatic Repair mode when rebooting.

  3. The Lexar BootIt app seems to be meant to flip the relevant bit in the on-board drive controller of supported USB pen drives, but I tried it anyway. Of course it did nothing to how the MicroSD card was seen.

I have now run out of ideas, it seems, and I was wondering if anyone here has a solution to let Windows 8 see the MicroSD memory card in my tablet as a fixed drive instead of removable drive, or some other way of getting the Skydrive desktop to sync my Skydrive data to that MicroSD card.

Off topic extra information, not of real relevance to this question: another solution could be the selective sync functionality that the Skydrive desktop app has gotten since I asked this question: then I might sync everything to my tablet but my image and music folders which take up the most space and also be done with it. The original question still stands, though.

And to be complete: this is not a duplicate question of this or this as those ask about getting USB drives multiple partitions to work on Windows XP. This question is specific about getting desktop Skydrive to sync to MicroSD card in Windows 8, which seems to be a question I have not seen on superuser so far.

Best Answer

I'm pleased to mention that @sstranger supplied me with the miracle cure:

  1. Format the MicroSD card as NTFS (otherwise this method will not work).
  2. Create a D:\Skydrive folder on the MicroSD.
  3. Create a mount point for the MicroSD drive to C:\Data on the fixed drive.
  4. Install Skydrive Desktop and supply C:\Data\Skydrive as the skydrive folder.
  5. Watch Skydrive "fill both folders" with you Skydrive cloud data.
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