RAID 1 Setup – How to Setup RAID 1 in Linux Mint 13


I am trying to setup a Linux Mint 13 system using mdadm, with 2 1TB hard drives for a software mirror. I have tried following instructions found for Linux Mint 12, but the instructions fail to mention how to fix the Cannot install GRUB to /dev/sda error, even when I select the /dev/md0 volume as where I wanted the boot loader in the Setup. Hardware RAID is not an option on this system

I finally decided to just install Linux to the first hard drive, and now I would like to setup the RAID from the hard drive that is currently working. Is this possible? If so, how?

I would appreciate step-by-step commands, as I'm more of a Windows/Mac user then a Linux user, but I do understand and check commands I learn from Linux before typing them

EDIT: The customer asked me to just install on one drive and he'll run a script to dd from that drive to the other as "backup"

Best Answer

Follow these directions here and you should be good to go.

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