How can i see if the SSD needs to have TRIM run against it


I'm getting intermittent performance issues with my intel SSD (X25-M 160GB). every few days the Disk Queue Length gets very high and the machine effectively locks up – queue length being 10 to 15 for about 30 seconds.

Is there a way to see if the SSD needs to have TRIM run against it? I.e. some way to see how many blocks are marked as dirty. I have got the Intel SSD optimizer which will manually run TRIM but would like to know for sure this is solving the problem – always a pain with intermittent bugs!

System is running Win 7 64 bit. The workload it seems to have most problems with a compilation of a large solution – it's writing a high number of small files (approx 10K)


  • The SSD is Intel SSDSA2M 160G2GC
  • Firmware version is 2CV102M3 (previously was 2CV102HD)
  • Driver is the default MS driver 6.1.7600.16385

Best Answer

I've had the same issues as you before. It was actually not due to the TRIM but rather Intel's Rapid Storage Technology. I had this software installed on my laptop which used a Crucial M4 128GB Sata3 SSD. It was a new SSD and had no previous data written on it. However, after installing the RST software from Intel, it would appear that the system would freeze for 30 seconds. Within the same OS install, uninstalling the RST solved the problem. The only time I use the RST software is if I'm using my SSD with a z68 board and SRT (Smart Response Technology (SSD Caching)).