Hosting online with xampp


I'm not quite sure what I'm doing wrong, because from what I've read, this should all be working.

What I've done:

  1. Forwarded ports 80, 8080, and 443.
  2. Changed the ServerName localhost:80 line in \apache\conf\httpd.conf to ServerName myip:80.
  3. Registered at, and have been using their update client to link my IP to the DNS thingy.
  4. Made sure xampp was using port 80, and started apache and MySql.

And…nothing. What did I miss? =/.

Update: Disabled Windows Firewall and my router's firewall. Double-checked the port-forwarding, and it is set up correctly. Still nothing.

Update: I can view everything fine (,, and the server's local IP) from inside the network, but not outside. I still can't view my WAN IP from inside the network, as well. The DDNS function on my router updates with a local IP instead of my WAN IP, still, also. Any suggestions?

Also, I'm using Ubuntu now, if that makes any difference.

Best Answer

ServerName myip:80.

You should write your DynDNS subdomain name instead of your IP :) Also, in DynDNS you must manually specify the IP address of the host you're forwarding your ports to: DynDNS will only determine your personal IP.

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