High resolution display desktop icon positioning

acer-aspiredesktophigh resolutioniconswindows 10

I am using Acer Aspire S7-391 and I can't position icons to far right and to the bottom of my desktop.
I believe it has something to do with its resolution, which is 1920×1080.

I know I can position them if I disable Align icons to grid but I want them to snap to edges.
It happened in Windows 8.1 and now in 10.
I tried changing the resolution but it doesn't help.

Screenshot shows farthest I can put my icons.

Desktop screenshot

Screenshot shows farthest I can put my icons when I get them as tiny as possible.

Desktop screenshot 2

Intel display settings

Intel control panel

I managed to get what I wanted originally by changing desktop icon spacing in Registry editor but in the process I found another problem which might be what's causing all this but will ask about it in another question.

This is how my desktop looks now. I tweaked the spacing to my liking even though it's not perfectly correct and I will try resetting it to defaults if I manage to fix my resolution.

Fixed desktop

Best Answer

I've just tested on a 2560x1440 and a 1920x1080 screen and I don't have this problem, I dont think it has nothing to do with the resolution, it seems that your icons are largen in proportion, try to hold ctrl and move the mouse wheel, make the icons smaller and then try to move them. Your screen is 1080 but are you sure the computer is set to that resolution aswell? Try updating your gpu drivers as last resource

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