Having vagrant provisioning clone a repository,


I'm trying to build an environment that when it finishes bringing the VM up it clones a repository into the share directory. The problem is that the box doesn't have SSH permission on the remote repository.

I have a simple bash script:

cd /vagrant
if [ ! -d "repo" ]; then
  git clone git@remoterepo.com:/my/repo.git

I get the error:

Host key verification failed.

fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly

Which makes sense since there is no keys in /home/vagrant/.ssh

I've done a fair bit of googling to no avail, I've tried to set config.ssh.forward_agent = true which allows me to manually clone the repo when I'm ssh'ed into the machine but not when it tries to run itself. I've also tried to specify config.ssh.private_ssh_key = "~/.ssh/id_rsa" but then vagrant simply won't finish loading (I assume the application can't ssh into the box).

So my question is… Do I need to rebuild my base box to include a set of keys and authorize those keys with my remote repo? Or is there an easier solution I'm missing?

note: I've looked at SSH Basics on Vagrant VMs which seem similar but I think this is more about setting up a different user on the box and the solution posted is much more manual than I'd like.

Best Answer

The temporary solution for me was to generate a set of keys and place them in the same directory as the Vagrantfile, then when provisioning I copy the keys over into /root/.ssh/ . There was one small hitch with this and that was that I also had to generate a known_hosts file in order for the VM to accept the connection from the remote server. The known_hosts file also resides in the /vagrant/.ssh/ dir and gets copied over with the keys and everything is now working.

Eventually when I'm not trying to upload a 1GB box to my file host over spotty wi-fi the real solution will be to include these files in the basebox permanently.

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