Have an iPad’s viewable area visible on your computer monitor for remote web-meeting training


I want to demo the usage of my iPad on my computer screen so that I can transmit it to other people during a training session using a web conference tool (like dimdim.com, gotomeeting.com, fuzemeeting.com, etc…) Is there a way to stream an iPad's display to a computer so it would be visible in such a screen casting software?

My current ad-hoc solution for this would be to use a webcam to livecast me using a physical (real life) iPad and broadcast that to other users for training. This is undesirable due to the difficulty in really seeing the iPad well.

So I'm hoping someone has a way to:
1) Video output the iPad's display to my computer screen.
2) Emulate an iPad with a installed app (not having the source code) on the screen.

Best Answer

You can download the iPad/iPhone development tools. It includes an iPhone simulator (and, I hope, an iPad simulator), which you can run on a Mac. It will not be nearly as fluid as using it by itself, mind you, and I doubt you'll be able to install third-party apps. [I haven't actually tried it myself.]

You will need to sign up for a free Apple Developer Connection membership. (If I understand correctly, the $99 developer fee is only needed if you are going to try to get apps into the app store. For playing around and testing code on the computer, you don't need it).