Linux – How to Use Grep to Include and Exclude Terms


I am trying to build a grep search that searches for a term but exludes lines which have a second term. I wanted to use multiple -e "pattern" options but that has not worked.

Here is an example of a command I tried and the error message it generated.

grep -i -E "search term" -ev "exclude term"
grep: exclude term: No such file or directory

It seams to me that the -v applies to all search terms / patterns. As this runs but then does not include search term in results.

grep -i -E "search term" -ve "exclude term"

Best Answer

To and expressions with grep you need two invocations:

grep -Ei "search term" | grep -Eiv "exclude term"

If the terms you are searching for are not regular expressions, use fixed string matching (-F) which is faster:

grep -F "search term" | grep -Fv "exclude term"
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