Gparted Cannot Resize Extended or LVM Partition – Solutions

gpartedlinuxlvmvirtual machine

I created a VM using VirtualBox and realized it was too small. After some time I managed to create a new, bigger hard drive.

Live GParted CD image (v.022):

GParted screenshot

Now I need to integrate the unallocated space to the /dev/sda5 partition.

  • Right-clicking on sda5 shows the option to resize but I dont get any free space before or after.
  • I though that perhaps I needed to extend the sda2 partition first but right-clicking on sda2 does not allow me to resize.

Do you have any useful advice?

Best Answer

After some help from linuxdev2013, this is what I did:
The problem was that the partitions were somehow locked. So:

  1. I right Clicked both sda2 and sda5 and chose "Deactivate".
  2. I resized the extended (sda2) partition.
  3. I resized the lvm (sda5) partition.

The problem was fixed.

I should add that in the VM the new space was not available, so I had to run those 2 commands: expand LVM to all remaining free space:

lvextend –l +100%FREE [MOUNTPOINT]

expand filesystem:

sudo resize2fs [MOUNTPOINT]
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