Google Chrome Security – Fix ‘Your Connection is Not Private’ Error


I would like to know what does this error message means in the chrome and when I try to access in my case hotmail and I get this below message and if I try to access gmail or yahoo or facebook I do not get this message, can anybody help me educate?

Just you know I have malware bytes premium and also McAfee on my system and I'm using windows 10

Your connection is not private

Attackers might be trying to steal your information from
(for example, passwords, messages, or credit cards).
NET::ERR_CERT_COMMON_NAME_INVALID normally uses encryption to protect your information. When
Google Chrome tried to connect to this time, the website
sent back unusual and incorrect credentials. This may happen when an
attacker is trying to pretend to be, or a Wi-Fi sign-in
screen has interrupted the connection. Your information is still
secure because Google Chrome stopped the connection before any data
was exchanged.

You cannot visit right now because the website uses HSTS. Network errors and attacks are usually temporary, so this page will probably work later.
when I double click on NET::ERR_CERT_COMMON_NAME_INVALID then I see the following

Subject: *
Issuer: Microsoft IT SSL SHA2
Expires on: Feb 17, 2018
Current date: May 2, 2017
PEM encoded chain:

Best Answer

I have encountered this issues several times before. In most cases, it's caused by:

  • Wrong date & time on your computer (or device you are using).
  • Google Chrome cookies & cached files.
  • DNS cached.
  • Antivirus blocks SSL connections.

The first step you should do is to check and verify again the date & time to make sure it's correct.

Next, check the scope of this issue. To do so, use another web browser like Opera or Firefox and visit the same HTTPS website. If you get the same (or similar) error, then it's not a fault on your Google Chrome browser.

In this case, I would recommend clearing DNS cached by using the following command in Command Prompt:

 ipconfig /flushdns

In case this error only occurs on your Chrome browser, then try to clean up all cookies and cached files on your browser and try again.

Besides, if you are using antivirus application or firewall that has the SSL scanning feature (or web shield), it could cause this error as well. You can test by turning off those programs temporarily.

Source: Fix Your Connection Is Not Private Error In Google Chrome

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