Google-chrome – Why does Google Chrome automatically add www. prefix for some websites but it does not add it for others


It adds it to my website but it does not add it to for example. My website DNS records looks like the following:

Host Name | IP Address/Url | Record Type   | TTL
@         | <server ip>    | A (Address)   | 1800
www       | @              | CNAME (Alias) | 1800

I may decide to point the www sub-domain to another server (even if it is not recommended), why does chrome consider it is alright to automatically add the www sub-domain? Does it analyze at the DNS records before deciding to add the prefix?

Edit: Interesting how if I navigate to, then the next time I try to get to, chrome automatically adds the prefix even if it didn't do that before. Strange and nondeterministic behavior in my opinion.

Edit2: As another user pointed out, it may be an issue caused by Settings -> Show advanced settings -> uncheck Use a prediction service to help complete searches and URLs typed in the address bar or the app launcher search box setting.

How to reproduce (using my faculty's website):

  1. Type in the Google Chrome. It should navigate to and it works

  2. Now type in the Mozilla Firefox. It navigates to and it does not work (because they have a bad DNS configuration and only the www. sub-domain points to the actual server ip).

Notice: Because it may be related to their suggestion engine, it may not reproduce in your case.

Edit3: Ok, so I noticed that I have to type the http:// prefix so that I can bypass Chrome's suggestion engine in comparison with Firefox, where I can type it without the prefix. I think this tricked me into thinking it does this every time, when it doesn't. I will close the question as solved.

Best Answer

Ok, so I noticed that I have to type the http:// prefix so that I can bypass Chrome’s suggestion engine in comparison with Firefox, where I can type it without the prefix. I think this tricked me into thinking it does this every time, when in fact it doesn’t, it was only my history that appeared as suggestion, and I used the www. variant in the past.

I will close the question as solved.

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