Google-chrome – Why does Chrome always redirect me to


Whenever I enter "" (or any other google domain) in the addressbar, it is automatically replaced by "".

This happens regardless of beeing logged in with my google account or not.
There are some hints on the web, that this behaviour can be disabled, but unfortunately google changed something, and these options are not available anymore (see here)

In the network I am at the moment all SSL- traffic is directed over a "man-in-the-middle"- proxy, so that chrome will not let me open the https:// – links (certificate error).

that's why I want to disable this feature. Anyone who can help me with that?

Before I forget: Chrome version is 27.0.1453.110

EDIT: This has NOTHING to do with the omnibox- search… Chrome just rewrites any google- url I enter…

Best Answer

I'd say it's because their web servers send the HSTS header (

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