Google-chrome – Where did Chrome enhanced bookmark manager disappear


As opposed to some people I really liked the new Chrome "Stars" bookmark manager. I had it on all my Chrome installations and it was working great… (I didn't install it as an extension – it was added in one of my Chrome updates).

However, at some update later it seems that the new bookmark manager disappeared and the old, ugly, boring bookmark manager came back… :/

I looked everywhere how to enable it back, but I could only find posts about how to disable it… I checked everything in chrome://flags that seemed to be related, but nothing worked… (naturally the first one I did was switch "Enable Enhanced Bookmarks" to "Enabled" – it did nothing).

Then I thought I might install it from Chrome Web Store, but it seems that Google removed it from there…

The weird thing is that I couldn't find any mention of this anywhere – not in Chrome discussion groups, Chromium blogs, not even here in StackExchange…

Anyone knows what happened to it?

Did Google decide to withdraw it because of the criticism it got?

Anyone has an idea how to enable it?

Best Answer

As far as I remember, Google has been regularly deleted this extension from Chrome Webstore.

I'm using it right now - I never delete extensions, only disable them and if I check details it gives me this link -

Keep in mind, that Bookmark manager is still in development phase.

Edit: If you really want it, I can make a copy of extension.

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