Google-chrome – way to open Google Chrome in incognito-mode by default


I was wondering if there is a way to open Google Chrome in incognito-mode by default? Sometimes I work with important web-applications in Chrome, and it is becoming quite a mission to do the ctrl+shift+n combo everytime.

Best Answer

Not by default, but you can add a parameter to make it open in Incognito.

  • Place a Google Chrome shortcut on the desktop (or any other desired location). enter image description here
  • Rename the shortcut to any convenient name like “ Private Chrome”.
  • Right click on the shortcut and select “Properties”. enter image description here
  • On the “Target” field add an –incognito to the end of program path. (Note: Make sure there is a space between the last apostrophe and the dash) enter image description here
  • Your incognito browser is now ready for launch. If you select “New Window” from settings, you will get a normal non-incognito chrome window.